Monday, June 29, 2015

In June 2015, I...

...bought a Billie Holiday 78, with Fine & Mellow on one side and the ever-affecting Strange Fruit on the other. It has instantly become one of my most treasured possessions. I listen to Billie's haunting voice through crackles and hiss that seem to represent the fog of time between its release and today.

...watched my lacrosse team, the Nanaimo Timbermen, totally fall apart. After promising much by starting the season with home-and-home victories against the seemingly unstoppable Victoria Shamrocks - the second best team in Canada - they have since dropped seven games in a row, and are headed absolutely nowhere. AGAIN. Season in, season out, it's always the same. If things continue like this I don't know how the team will survive. A good start would be to get rid of the asshole goalie and a coach evidently well out of his depth. Great players do not always great coaches make, and this is a classic example.  

...was horrified and deeply concerned to learn of a friend (allegedly) succumbing to crack and/or heroin addiction. What the hell does one do in such circumstances? Intervene? If so, how? Stand back and let it unfold to its natural conclusion, whatever that may be? I am still trying to figure it out, but in the meantime all I can do is pray in my own way that she will somehow emerge from this nightmare.

...walked 40 kilometres (100 laps of the NDSS Rotary Bowl) for the Canadian Cancer Society, raising over $3,500 in the process. In the past I've rarely had the courage of my convictions, but having set myself such a difficult physical goal I am very proud of this achievement. It's a good feeling being top dog for once, especially when it concerns something that really matters.

...decided that when I grow up, I really want to work for the Canadian Cancer Society.

...celebrated three years' ownership of Reggie, our utterly beautiful, endlessly fascinating feline companion. He brings us endless joy, companionship and entertainment.

...nurtured our burgeoning vegetable garden. We are still novices, but having lots of fun seeing what we can grow successfully. It's looking pretty good, and in some delicious spinach we've already enjoyed the first fruits of our labours, so to speak.

...thoroughly enjoyed a reunion with a friend from the UK. We miss Jon (and his wife Jenny), so it was great to spend a few hours in his inimitable company, before he had to head off again to continue leading a group of birders around BC. Come back soon, buddy.

...clinked glasses with a friend who, after living and working (as a lawyer) in Canada for 44 years, finally became a Canadian citizen this month. 'Hilarious,' it was, how many hoops he had to jump through after all this time. To reiterate, he's a lawyer of pension age.

...saw my first roller derby bout in quite a long time. As much as I enjoy the spectacle, even better is Susan's wild reaction to events out on that track. She loves her derby, does my girl, whooping and hollering her approval. throughout "Get involved," I said, and she may well do so.

...experienced the joy of our friend Louise diving headlong into her first music festival, aged 65. After two years of ill health, it really was incredible to see her living a little at the ever-wonderful Campbell Bay Music Festival, where...

...saw some amazing bands and artists: Brasstronaut, Slow Sprit, Hannah Epperson, Wooden Horsemen and Speaker Face in particular.

...looked forward to July.

Life is rarely dull.